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lazy eye是什么意思

发布时间:2021-04-07 作者: 英语查

lazy eye 是什么意思


(blindness) 【医学】(一目)弱视 ( = amblyopia)。
lazy:    adj. (-zier; -ziest) 1.懒惰的,没 ...
eye:    n. (pl. eyes 〔古语〕 eyen ) 1.眼 ...


1.It stings , and that is now why i have a lazy eye

2.Records of molly ' s first few doctor visits as an infant show that she was " normal , " though born with a clubfoot and a lazy eye
莫利在婴儿时期医生的检查记录显示她很“正常” ,除了与生俱来的畸形足和弱视。

3.Records of molly ' s first few doctor visits as an infant show that she was " normal , " though born with a clubfoot and a lazy eye
莫莉婴儿期的医生检查记录显示:莫莉虽然有一条腿畸形,且有一只眼睛弱视,基本属于“正常婴儿” 。

4.The doctor must make certain that there is no other cause of visual loss such as macular degeneration , macular hole , nearsightedness , farsightedness , astigmatism , epimacular membranes , cataract , amblyopia ( " lazy eye " ) , previous retinal detachment , or circulatory problems

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